Bartlesville High School is currently looking for a Principal Secretary. Interested in applying? See this link for more information or email Michael Harp harpmd@bps-ok.org #bvillebruWIN https://www.applitrack.com/bpsok/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Secretarial%2fClerical

K-12 students are invited to enter a design for the Bartlesville District Science Fair's 70th anniversary T-shirts. The fair for grades 1-6 will be on February 25, 2022 and the fair for grades 7-12 will be on February 26. They will be in-person if feasible, virtual if necessary.

Congratulations to our Students of the Month for October-November:
9th: Jayda Cook and William Dorris
10th: Regan Patzkowski and Jaxon Bostwick
11th: Blair Plummer and Eric Mashburn
12th: Becca Waller and James Droz

The Bartlesville Public Schools Superintendent's Student Advisory Council met today for lunch to discuss their plans and give input for the district. #bvillebruwin

Students 6th through 12th grade are invited to audition for our 2022 Winter Guard season. Come learn to spin a flag, dance, and perform a show. More information about audition registration and videos of past performances can be found at www.bruinbrigade.org.

Congratulations to the Bruin Brigade for receiving straight superior ratings at the OSSAA Regional Marching Contest yesterday at NSU! They are once again in the running for another OSSAA Sweepstakes award in the spring. #bvillebruWIN

Bartlesville Public Schools has job openings...apply today!

Congratulations to our Student's of the Month for September-October:
9th: Katie Claussen and Damien Niko
10th: Faith Foote and Alex Ortiz
11th: Emma LaBouve and Camden Turner
12th: Julianna Ortiz and Liam Wisner

We are excited for College/Career Week 2021! Seniors, counselors will be in the commons all week during advisory to help with scholarships and applications. #bvillebruWIN

Free public walk-in flu vaccine clinic at Jane Phillips Elementary School on Tuesday, 10/19 from 4-6 p.m.

We are excited to announce our 2021 Homecoming Court! Come out tonight to our Reverse Parade from 5:30 PM-6:30 PM and tomorrow during halftime to support these students! To enter the reverse parade enter the high school campus from 18th and Shawnee. #bvillebruWIN

HOMECOMING UPDATE: Coronation has been moved to the beginning of halftime on Friday, October 8th. #bvillebruWIN

We are excited for our Homcoming activities next week! Please see this link for more information! #bvillebruWIN #HOCO2021 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k9dyWrs-d007FgrGVPGPRR9joixg9m-c3zd9Cf6E5cI/edit?usp=sharing

We are excited to announce our HOCO 2021 events! See the flyer for information on how you can show your Bruin Pride with dress up days, our Reverse Parade, and the Homecoming Game 2021. We are opening the reverse parade for entries this year, please use the link to sign up or ask Mrs. Hendrix for more information. Information for the HOCO Dance will be sent out soon. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwGBEuWNCKcFu2r4IMhmUAdJqbW2xIhhii3kWsy6HegNVueQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 #bvillebruWIN

Here are our BHS Students of the Month for August-September!
Freshmen: Adrianne Flick and Mark Shaw
Sophomores: Kathryn Williams and Mehdi Achour
Juniors: Lauren Lischefski and Shaun Lickliter
Seniors: Quincey Turner and Charlie Olsen
Also, we would also like to say a special "Thank You" to Bartlesville Health and Rehab Community for sponsoring this month's SOM lunch at Sterling's Grille. Brett Marsh, Marketing Director from BHRC, met the SOMs for lunch today.

Tonight is our home opener for some Bruin Football! Game against Sapulpa starts at 7PM. Let’s go Bruins! #bvillebruWIN

The National FFA Organization recognized Bartlesville FFA as a National 3-Star Chapter, the highest distinction awarded to a chapter each year. It is 1 of only 9 programs in OK to earn the recognition. #bvillebruwin

For middle and high school girls interested in playing basketball... Lady Bruin Basketball presents Bruin Fun Fest on Sept. 4 from 5-7 p.m. in the Bruin Field House. #bvillebruwin

We are excited for Welcome Week 2021 and the start of football season! #bvillebruWIN

BPS is seeking substitute teachers. Pay has increased to $90 per day for certified subs and $70 per day for non-certified subs. Apply at applitrack.com/bpsok/onlineapp. #bvillebruwin