The Bruin Football Kick-off Luncheon is Thurs, Aug 26 at the Hillcrest Country Club. Join us for lunch, hear a report on fall sports, and get the '21 Bruin Football season started! Buffet starts at 11:30 a.m. Program from 12-1. Tickets @ #bvillebruwin
over 3 years ago, BPSD
kickoff luncheon
Our Bruin Teachers are ready for the first full week of school! We were able to have our first staff meeting all together since February 2020. Like our new shirts? They are on sale in the main office for $10 #bvillebruWIN
over 3 years ago, Michael Harp
2021 BHS Staff
BHS Staff 2021 2
9-12th grade supplemental basketball tryouts are Thursday, Aug 19 at 4PM. This tryout is for non-football players that moved into the district, missed the spring tryout, or want to tryout again after not making the spring tryout. #bvillebruwin
over 3 years ago, BPSD
basketball tryouts
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: The BHS Team is excited to welcome students back to school tomorrow. The building will open for students at 7:40 am. Students should review their schedules in PowerSchool this evening as some have been updated. If a student does not have a schedule they will report to the auditorium in the morning at 7:40am. If a student has a full schedule they will report to their 1st period class. Class begins at 8:00am. If a student has submitted a request for a schedule change they will follow their assigned schedule until changes have been made. Students will be notified when their schedule has been changed. #bvillebruWIN
over 3 years ago, Michael Harp
First Day of School 2021
Don't forget to vote today. Regular polling places are open until 7 p.m.
over 3 years ago, BPSD
Your Vote Counts
2020-2021 Yearbooks are in! We will be having a drive thru pick-up in front of the main entrance on Wednesday from 10AM-noon. Please help us spread the word! Yearbooks will be available for purchase during this time as well. #bvillebruWIN
over 3 years ago, Michael Harp
Yearbook Pick-up 2021
Just a quick reminder our bond election is coming up next Tuesday, August 10th! Early voting begins at the end of this week. For more information please see bruinbond .com #bvillebruWIN
over 3 years ago, Michael Harp
Bruin Bond Logo
Good luck to our Bruin Brigade as they start their marching season this week. We are excited for the great things they will do representing us this year! #bvillebruWIN
over 3 years ago, Michael Harp
Band camp 2021
ATTENTION: Please see the link below regarding registration information for BHS students. We are excited for the start of school in just a little over 2 weeks! #bvillebruWIN
over 3 years ago, Michael Harp
Enrollment 2021
Thank you to Crossing 2nd for hosting our student leadership on Friday! We had a great day growing and preparing for the upcoming school year! #bvillebruWIN
over 3 years ago, Michael Harp
Stuco leadership 2021 2
Stuco leadership 2021 3
Stuco leadership 2021 2
A reminder that our bond election is coming up soon! Please vote on Tuesday, August 10th. Find more information at #bvillebruWIN
over 3 years ago, Michael Harp
Bond 2021
BPS has certified teaching positions available. Apply at #bvillebruwin
over 3 years ago, BPSD
Now Hiring
Congratulations to Thad Dilbeck for being named Athletic Director Newcomer of the Year-East by the Oklahoma Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association
almost 4 years ago, BPSD
Award for Dilbeck
ATTENTION CLASS OF 2021! You can now pick up your diploma in the counseling office during our summer office hours Monday thru Thursday 8AM-4PM. A reminder, to submit your final transcript request in Naviance ASAP! #bvillebruWIN
almost 4 years ago, Michael Harp
2021 Diploma Pick-up
Come join our team! We are still looking for a math and special education position. You can apply at #bvillebruWIN
almost 4 years ago, Michael Harp
Bruin job
Going to be a Junior AP Lang student next year? Here is your summer reading list/assignment for the summer. #bvillebruWIN
almost 4 years ago, Michael Harp
Going to be a Sophomore Honors English student next year? Here is the summer reading list/assignment for the summer. #bvillebruWIN
almost 4 years ago, Michael Harp
Going to be a Senior AP Lit student next year? Here is your reading list/assignment for the summer. #bvillebruWIN
almost 4 years ago, Michael Harp
Beginning this August are you going to be a Freshman in Honors English? Here is your summer reading project! #bvillebruWIN
almost 4 years ago, Michael Harp
Thank you to Jeanette Miller and the Kiwanis Club of Bartlesville for recognizing Kate Boudreaux as the BHS Sophomore Student of the Year. Congratulations! #bvillebruWIN
almost 4 years ago, Michael Harp
SOY Sophomore 2021