The Bartlesville High School Senior Awards program will begin 12:30 this afternoon. You can watch the awards ceremony LIVE from the link below.
almost 3 years ago, Danial Karnes
BHS Senior Awards Program
BPS Summer Strength and Conditioning program for all athletes in grades 4-12th. #bvillebruwin
almost 3 years ago, BPSD
summer pride
The BHS Junior Awards Ceremony will start at 1:30. You can watch the stream via the link below.
almost 3 years ago, Danial Karnes
BHS Junior award ceremony
The Sophomore Awards Ceremony will be streamed live at 10a.m. Click the link below to watch.
almost 3 years ago, Danial Karnes
Sophomore Awards Ceremony
Lady Bruin Basketball tryouts May 10 & 11. #bvillebruwin
almost 3 years ago, BPSD
bball tryouts
Bruin Basketball Tryouts for 2022-23 on May 3 & 5 at BHS. 7th grade at 5:30, 8th at 6:45, and 9-12th at 8:00 p.m. #bvillebruwin
almost 3 years ago, BPSD
basketball tryouts
Congratulations to Tonya Knollmeyer for being named District Teacher of the year, Heidi Lischefski for being named Rising Star of the Year, and to Cheryl Fentress for celebrating 35 years at BPSD! Congratulations! #bvillebruWIN
almost 3 years ago, Michael Harp
TOY 2022
TOY 2022 2
TOY 2022 3
Please see the link for information regarding our graduating class of 2022. Graduation will be Friday, May 20th at Custer Stadium. #bvillebruWIN
almost 3 years ago, Michael Harp
Graduation 2022
The Bartlesville Public School District is now hiring for administrator, teacher, and support staff positions. Submit your resume at #bvillebruwin
almost 3 years ago, BPSD
now hiring
PK-12 Virtual Enrollment for 2022-23 is now open. To learn more, join us Tuesday, April 12 at 6pm in the BHS Commons. #bvillebruwin
almost 3 years ago, BPSD
virtual enrollment meeting
Pictured at today's Superintendent Student Advisory Council meeting are Logan Vaclaw, Irene Johnson, Joyce Yang, Aadi Ayyappan, Jack Auschwitz, and Superintendent McCauley (unable to attend were Ragen Hodge, Morgan King, and Mia Merciez). #bvillebruwin
about 3 years ago, BPSD
Student Advisory
The steel framework is up for the new softball and golf indoor practice facility under construction west of the softball field near Madison Middle School. Framework for a new baseball facility at Doenges Stadium will be going up soon. Both will open around May 1.
about 3 years ago, BPSD
Softball-Golf Facility Framework
Softball Practice Facility in Background
Next week is MAD WEEK 2022 our annual philanthropy week! Help us raise money as we are once again supporting the Bartlesville Area Make-A-Wish foundation. #bvillebruWIN
about 3 years ago, Michael Harp
MAD week 2022
Congratulations to our Students of the Month for November and December Freshman: Emma Perry and Logan Young Sophomores: Grace Armstrong and Lucas Mann Juniors: Joyce Yang and Logan Hinckley Seniors: Irene Johnson and Logan Vaclaw Thank you for lunch Price's Meat Market!
about 3 years ago, Michael Harp
SOM December 2022
PROM ANNOUNCEMENT 2022! Notice a date change and a return to the Hilton Garden Inn, more information will be available soon. #bvillebruWIN
about 3 years ago, Michael Harp
PROM 2022
Just a reminder tutoring is back after school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! See the flier for more information! #bvillebruWIN
about 3 years ago, Michael Harp
Tutoring SP 2022
On Monday, there will be a meeting for current and prospective Bruin Football Players to meet Coach Wright. Please see the information below for players and parents. Help us spread the word! #EAT #bvillebruWIN
about 3 years ago, Michael Harp
Bruin Football 2022
Help us celebrate Miss Paula on her 36.5 years of service to Bartlesville Public Schools as she retires next month! #bvillebruWIN
about 3 years ago, Michael Harp
Paula Amen Retirement
With cold weather upon us, it's a good time to remind you that the district sends emergency calls and text messages, including school closing notices, to parents/guardians via School Messenger. To opt in, text “subscribe” to 68453. (Text "stop" to 68453 to cancel.) #bvillebruwin
about 3 years ago, BPSD
school messenger
Support Staff Job Fair on January 18. #bvillebruwin Online applications also accepted at
about 3 years ago, BPSD
staff fair