There will be a DISTRICT JOB FAIR on Saturday, March 9, 2024 from 9 to 11 a.m. in the high school cafeteria commons. Enter north of the Freshman Academy entrance, which is north of 18th Street and Shawnee Avenue.

On Saturday at Holland Hall, Gentry Turner broke the BHS 3200 meter record, and Kadence Barnett brok the BHS long jump record!

Congratulations to Kadance Barnett on her new school record! #bvillebruWIN

Congratulations to Gentry Turner on her new school record! #bvillebruWIN

Congratulations to Keidy on her Sutton Award! She is pictured with her award winning art project and art teacher Mrs. Giovannetti. #bvillebruWIN

ArtLaza 2024! Come see our FineArts Showcase and support Make A Difference Week 2024. #bvillebruWIN

Gretchen Watson, BHS Teacher and District Math Chair, was recognized as a Teacher of the Month and awarded a plaque and a $300 check by Arvest Bank and Patriot Auto Group. Thank you for recognizing our outstanding teachers! #bvillebruwin

Congratulations Shanna Rockwell BHS 2024 Classified Person of the Year! #bvillebruWIN

Congratulations to Brenden Asher, who has signed to play baseball for Oral Roberts University. #bvillebruWIN

Congratulations to Lauren Lee upon being named a 2024 Coca-Cola Scholar. She is one of over 6,900 students who will receive a $20,000 scholarship and participate in Scholars Weekend in Atlanta in late April.

Thank you to @phillips66 and their Talent Acquisitions Team for hosting an on-campus information session on high school internships with Phillips 66 for the 2024-2025 school year. Applications are due by next Friday, February 16th.
BHS Juniors can submit their application via think link: https://forms.gle/FUKRW2utCAxjFiQK6

Congratulations to one of our robotics teams who won the robotics tournament in Haskell on Saturday! This earned them a spot in the State Championship in March. #bvillebruWIN

Save the Date for Prom 2024! Tickets will go on sale after Spring Break. #bvillebruWIN

We are now almost 3 months away from celebrating the Class of 2024! We hope to see you on Friday, May 17th! #bvillebruWIN

Phillips 66 will be on campus on Wednesday, February 7th to discuss the company's high school internship program for the 2024-2025 school year. View the flyer for more info. Click the link to RSVP - https://forms.gle/Cjv7WSrL9TWvw2bz8. #bvillebruwin #CareerReadyBruins

Congratulations to the 2024 Bartlesville High School Teacher of the Year Brandi Avery and the 2024 Bartlesville High School Rising Star Shelley Brown! We look forward to celebrating these great teachers later this spring! #bvillebruWIN

PSG is selling Candy Gram's! Order at the QR below. #bvillebruWIN

For those used to accessing our breakfast and lunch menus via Sodexo MyWay or the So Happy app, soon those will be replaced by Nutrislice. We'll be updating the "Dining" option on our school campus websites once Nutrislice is ready to go.

The Bartlesville District Science Fair is sponsoring a free screening of The Space Race: The Untold Story of the First Black Astronauts, a National Geographic documentary. It will be held in the Bartlesville High School Fine Arts Center Auditorium on Thursday, February 1, 2024 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Our annual "Bruins on Broadway" is tomorrow! Come see our student-led show and see what the spring musical is going to be this year! #bvillebruWIN