It's a great time to be a Bruin! #bvillebruWIN

The Bruin Internship Program application for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. Applications are due by Friday, February 28th.
The Bruin Internship Program application is for current sophomores and juniors who are seeking experience within various career pathways and are usually not paid. We have over 60 partners that provide at least one career internship opportunity for our Bruins. Industries represented include healthcare, teaching, legal, business, non-profit leadership, and many other career fields within our great network of community partners.
The application requires students to submit a resume and two professional references. Some internships require additional paperwork, interviews, background checks, and drug screenings.
If selected, the student would serve their internship during the school day. Transportation is required to serve as an intern.
Apply online - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDtCv71NA3uK2wnpkxSUxAfLwHuRAHp0-IOg2ryCj6_xa6Sw/viewform?usp=header.

Phillips 66 (P66) will be on campus on Friday, February 7th to host an Informational Session for current BHS juniors regarding high school internship opportunities for the 2025 - 2026 school year.
The Informational Session will take place from 9 am to 10:00 am at the BHS Hospitality Room. Students need to RSVP via this Google Form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVB3L0OK4YWH2G2Vmgpzqkn8AM2mrzSzVP0ONYsjON2Cg_eQ/viewform?usp=header.
The team from P66 will discuss the available internships by career field interests, expectations for interns, information on the application and selection process, and key dates for those who intend to apply for the internship.
The current high school interns at P66 will also be available to answer questions and to discuss their roles at the company.
Parents are welcome to attend with their students. If you choose to attend, please enter BHS through the Freshman Academy entrance and park in the visitor parking on the east side of the entrance.
Please contact Mr. Tucker, the internship program director, with any questions - tuckeraw@bps-ok.org.

Congratulations to Ashlee Hightower our 2025 Teacher of the Year! #bvillebruWIN

Congratulations to Michael Wood our 2025 Rising Star! #bvillebruWIN

Young Scholars of Bartlesville is taking applications from current 6th through 9th graders at bartlesvillescholars.org
THIRD-PARTY NON-PROFIT DISCLAIMER: BPSD is not sponsoring, endorsing, or recommending this program.

Enrollment for 2025-2026 begins soon! Our annual "8th Grade Night" is on Tuesday, January 28th beginning at 6 PM. #bvillebruWIN

Last day of the tournament, come out and support the Bruins! #bvillebruWIN

Tournament Update for today: The boys' game has been canceled. #bvillebruWIN

Our annual ConocoPhillips/Arvest tournament will be delayed until 2:30PM. See the new schedule below. #bvillebruWIN

Bartlesville Public Schools will be in DISTANCE LEARNING on Friday, January 10, 2025. Please follow the procedures at BPSLEARN.COM.

Bartlesville Basketball Tournament Game Update 1-9-2025 #bvillebruWIN

ConocoPhillips will be on-campus at BHS on Tuesday, January 14th to host an Informational Session for current BHS juniors regarding high school internship opportunities for the 2025 - 2026 school year.
The Informational Session will take place from 9 am - 10 am at the Freshman Academy Conference Room. Donuts and water will be provided for all students who pre-register for the event.
The team from ConocoPhillips will discuss the available internships by career field interests, expectations for interns, information on the application and selection process, and key dates for those who intend to apply for the internship.
There will be time allotted for a question and answer session with the representatives from ConocoPhillips.
Parents are welcome to attend with their students. If you do so choose to attend, please enter BHS through the Freshman Academy entrance and park in the visitor parking on the east side of the entrance.
RSVP via this Google Form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSckeLklSWFCxsz31nbEVV1JB7Bl7Lq04_Hr5CkOUnHjdeKfUQ/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Please contact Mr. Tucker, the internship program director, with any questions - at tuckeraw@bps-ok.org.

If the status of a student in your household has changed such that they might now qualify for displaced student services, please fill out the Google Form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zMYkybLLt2xgbI6r-wwSRVTZfriUq-O1T5ErQLyvr_8
More info: https://www.bps-ok.org/page/hands

We are excited to be once again hosting our annual ConocoPhillips/Arvest Invitational starting Thursday, January 9th! See the bracket below and come out to support our Bruins! #bvillebruWIN

Members of our band, choir, and orchestra are currently on a tour of Italy! They have had several performances already and will be marching in The Vatican/Rome New Year's Day parade tomorrow at 8AM central time. https://romeparade.com/ #bvillebruWIN

We hope everyone has a great break! Classes resume on Tuesday, January 7th. #bvillebruWIN

The annual Friends In Deed free Christmas Day dinner will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Adams Blvd Church of Christ at 3700 Adams Blvd. To request transportation or to volunteer call 918-914-1152.
Note that BPSD is not sponsoring this third-party non-profit event.

Final exams are next week! See the graphic below for final exam schedule and here is the link to final exam procedures for students: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EiPCZAqHsDwBkATAD8WlYb64smvgScM8shEosq4gMNQ/edit?usp=sharing Have questions? Contact your assistant principal.

Rogers State University (RSU) will be on campus tomorrow, Wednesday, Dec. 4th to assist BHS Juniors and BHS Seniors to enroll in concurrent college classes at RSU for the Spring 2025 semester.
Each enrollment support session is 15 minutes and your parents/guardians are welcome to attend either in-person with you or virtual through Google Meet.
Students should apply to RSU prior to attending the enrollment support session.
Walk-ins are welcomed, but appointments are strongly encouraged.
Appointments will take place at the 11th-12th Counseling Center Conference Room.
Book your appointment online - https://calendly.com/anthonytucker/rsu-spring-2025-enrollment-day-2.