We are hiring Special Education Teacher Assistants! You can apply here: https://www.applitrack.com/bpsok/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Support+Staff
6 months ago, Michael Harp
Bruin Logo
We still have a few spots for the PSAT. PSAT registration ends Monday, September 9. Cost is $18 per student. Sophomores and Juniors are encouraged to take the test on October 29. Register using the QR code below. #bvillebruWIN
6 months ago, Michael Harp
QR Code
Our first pep assembly of the school year! Go Bruins! #bvillebruWIN
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Cheer 2024
musical chairs
crowd 2024
Letterman Jackets September 9th, see flyer for more information. #bvillebruWIN
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Letter Jacket
We’re excited to have newly donated sewing machines for our students, but we need your help! We’re accepting donations of new or clean, used fabric, as well as old shirts or pants that students can learn to mend or hem. Please drop off your donations at the Freshman Academy attendance office. Thank you for your support! #bvillebruWIN
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Fabric Drive
A reminder our 1st Virtual/Collaboration day is Friday and Monday is Labor Day! #bvillebruWIN
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Labor Day 2024
It's officially Welcome Week 2024! #bvillebruWIN
7 months ago, Michael Harp
welcome week 2024
welcome week Monday
Sign-up for the PSAT/National Merit Test is now open. Use this link for sign-up/more information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfi95BKc3nH2gwyJMG24FSESPfFM-m6O2GkTAD68EEEU8bZ7w/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Bruin Logo
The transportation department is working through the kinks with its new My Ride bus routing software, including improving bus timings. Please note that the software has a Bus Location feature, but enabling it would require additional equipment on each bus. The district is assessing the suitability and effectiveness of the new software during this academic year to determine if additional taxpayer funds should be invested in tracking individual buses and student onboarding and offboarding. We appreciate your patience as we transition to the new system, work to improve bus timings, and explore the system's features. Instructions on using My Ride to obtain bus route information is at https://www.bps-ok.org/page/district-transportation
7 months ago, BPSD
No tracking yet
BHS Back to School Night is Thursday, August 22nd at 5:30 PM. We will start with a parent meeting in the FAC/Auditorium and then you will get to meet your teacher. #bvillebruWIN
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Back to School 2024
Athletic passes will be sold during lunch next week! #bvillebruWIN
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Athletic Passes 2024
Classes resume today, 8/15/2024. Please note that our new scheduling software has most routes starting 15-20 minutes earlier than in the past. Parents can look up a student's bus route with MyRide; see https://www.bps-ok.org/page/district-transportation
7 months ago, BPSD
bus stop
Here are our updated extensions for attendance. Please leave a message or send an email as phone lines get busy first thing in the morning. Attendance for Grades 11-12: 918-336-3311 Extension 1093 Tracy Schmidtlein schmidtleintr@bps-ok.org Extension 1051 Shanna Rockwell rockwellsj@bps-ok.org Attendance for Grades 9-10: 918-336-3311 Extension 1163 Lauren Wright wrightle@bps-ok.org Extension 1192 Nickie Etchison etchisonnl@bps-ok.org
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Bruin Logo
We are excited for school to start tomorrow! A reminder, doors open at 7:50 AM, and the map below is our traffic flow. Thank you for being patient the first few days as we get traffic adjusted for back to school. #bvillebruWIN
7 months ago, Michael Harp
BHS Drop Off
Yearbooks on sale! This is the lowest price for the year! Buy it now! @ https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/index.cfm/job/22153
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Yearbook 2024
We had over 400 freshman at our 2024 Bruin Camp today! We are excited for the Class of 2028! #bvillebruWIN
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Bruin Camp 2024
Schedules for grades 9-12 will be live on Powerschool at 2 PM on Friday, August 9th. Freshmen will receive a schedule during Bruin Camp and after Friday all schedules can be printed in either office if you prefer a printed copy. Schedule changes will begin on August 12th via a schedule change form that can be picked up at either office. #bvillebruWIN
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Bruin Logo
Tomorrow’s senior photos will be canceled. If you signed up,, Focus Photography, will be reaching out to you about your deposit. We will get cap and gown pictures this year during picture day for all seniors on Wednesday, September 4.
7 months ago, Michael Harp
Graduation Pictures 2025
Bruin Camp is one week away! We moved our time with Parents to start at 4:45PM instead of 5:15PM to give you more time to walk schedules, but we will be there until 6 PM if parents can't make it right at 4:45PM, see you next week! #bvillebruWIN
8 months ago, Michael Harp
Bruin Camp 2024
Athletic passes are now on sale! BHS office hours resume to normal school office hours beginning Monday where you can also swing by the athletic office and by your season pass! #bvillebruWIN
8 months ago, Michael Harp
BPS Athletics 2024 Passes