Picture Day is this Thursday, August 24th during English class. Students who are virtual, and/or concurrent can come to the school during normal school hours (8:10 AM-3 PM) in the auditorium to get their picture taken for the yearbook. #bvillebruWIN

Alexia Escobar at her dental hygienist internship with Dewey Dental. She plans on attending the OU Dental Hygiene Program after graduation. Thank you to our community sponsors for supporting our BHS Internship Program! #bvillebruWIN

Check out Brett Eaves, our Senior Football Captain, assisting in surgery at his internship at Manley Animal Hospital this morning! #bvillebruWIN

Athletic Passes will be on sale Wednesday and Thursday this week in the commons. See the flyer for more information. #bvillebruWIN

Part of welcome week this week is our class meetings. Today, we welcomed over 500 freshman to the auditorium to talk through how to be a successful 9th grade student. #bvillebruWIN

Back to School Night is Thursday (8/17) beginning at 5:30 PM in the BHS Auditorium. #bvillebruWIN

Welcome Week 2023 is this week! Help us celebrate the new school year. Back to School Night is also on Thursday beginning at 5:30PM in the auditorium. Teachers will be available until 7PM. #bvillebruWIN

9-12 Boys Basketball Tryouts, Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 4:00 PM in the BHS P66 Gym. #bvillebruwin

We had a great first day of school today! We are excited for a great school year! Thank you to everyone who helped us greet the freshman class! #bvillebruWIN

2023-2024 Yearbooks are now on sale! See flyer for more information. #bvillebruWIN

We welcomed over 300 freshman to our campus today for Bruin Camp 2023! We are ready for school next week! #bvillebruWIN

BHS News August 2023! We are excited to add BHS News we will post once a month. #bvillebruWIN

It is hard to believe school starts 1 week from today Thursday, August 10! The 2023-2024 Bell Schedule is listed below (new start time!) as well as the student pick-up/drop-off information. A reminder, 18th street is for bus pick-up and drop-off ONLY, not for car riders. Doors will open for students at 7:50 AM. #bvillebruWIN

Cross Country Parents Meeting on Tuesday, August 8th at 7:00 PM in the BHS Commons. Contact Coach Ayres if you need more information, at ayresdw@bps-ok.org. #bvillebruwin

Some school bus routes are changing for 2023-2024. You can look up your address at https://ewa.edulogweb.com/bartlesvilleok1web/webquery/ to see your routes. More information is at bpsbus.com.
If you live outside of the city limits and do not find a nearby stop, call the BPSD Transportation Department at 918-336-1733.
Special needs bus routes are still being worked on, and the Transportation Dept. will call those parents when they are finalized.
Classes begin on Thursday, August 10, 2023.

Thank you to the American Institute of Chemical Engineers for providing funds to purchase a new autoclave. This will allow our students more opportunities in their advanced science classes and science fair projects. #bvillebruWIN

Athletic Passes are now on sale in the Bartlesville Athletic Office located in the FAC of the high school. The athletic office also now accepts credit cards. Have questions? Contact Bria Cleveland in the athletic office at 918-337-0153 #bvillebruWIN

Back-to-School Immunization Clinic at the Washington County Health Department at 5121 SE Jacquelyn Lane on Tuesday, August 1 from 5-7 p.m.

ATTENTION INCOMING FRESHMAN! Bruin Camp is next week (Friday, August 4)! See the flyer for more information. #bvillebruWIN

RSU will be in the BHS main lobby tomorrow, July 26th from 11AM-2PM for concurrent enrollment for Fall 2023. #bvillebruWIN