Bartlesville High School Alma Mater

Verse 1
Morning sun greets many banners
On its westward flight -
Fair to us above all others
Wave the blue and white.
Bartlesville, school we love,
Stands for all to see
May we all be ever loyal
To thy memory.
Verse 2
In the hills of Oklahoma
With its skies of blue
Bartlesville is proudly standing
With its colors true.
Verse 3
We will ever stand for honor,
Bartlesville, to you.
Hail to thee, our alma mater,
Hail the white and blue.
College High Alma Mater

Hail to dear College-High,
Colors so bold.
Bright banner in the sky
of black and gold.
To you our loyalty
Never will die
We're ever faithful
to you College-High.

Sooner High Alma Mater

Hail to thee our Alma Mater
Standing proud for all to see
Filled with grace and dignity
We'll march to face our destiny
Armor shining with green and gold
Truth and might lead the Spartans bold
In the sky our banners fly
For Sooner High!